

Explore the data

Deep dive into the data below by consumption area or digital service, see how selected countries scored and learn more about the sustainability impact of various digital services.

Index by consumption area


Index by country

        Sustainability impact of the Digital Service


        The most empowering digital services for consumers

        A list of all 40 digital services analysed in the study, ranked from the most to the least empowering can be seen below. For each digital service, a score is provided in parentheses.


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        Digital Service

        Consumption Area

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        Sustainability Impact

        According to the experts, the digitalisation of services also has mostly a positive impact on sustainability by democratising access, reducing raw material use and transport emissions, and so on. At the same time, they express concerns around energy use and increased consumption.
        Overall, experts are optimistic that with the mix of public awareness, innovative technologies and the right policies, digitalisation can help create a more sustainable future.

        Positive aspects

          Negative aspects

            • Very Positive

            • Positive

            • Moderately positive

            * The impact was assessed on a 7 step scale from “Very negative impact” to “Very positive impact”
            ** The bars correspond to the % of respondents that used the service at least once in the past 2 years

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